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3.14 Sandbox Testing

We provide you with a safe and secure testing environment to ensure your integration is working correctly before you are ready to go production.

Test Cases

Buy Crypto

The following table indicates the wallet address that you can use to test your integration when buying crypto.

Collection StatusSettlement StatusWallet Addresses
SuccessSuccessTRC20: TWsgibKaDCiKTPqVR3Fz16XxjsmusabjDX
ERC20: 0x839309109128d5d9871A06654c92CF5Ca5532478
BTC: bc1qa8wllxyem93476c2wa9ffx2zwtkc4ln3nfh394
SuccessFailAny wallet addresses other than the ones listed above
FailTRC20: TNizaAsx3t68KuU2ukGcy1rsFZHbGAj1Cd
ERC20: 0xa08D65244003a8B8095DF3E18764093F7aF557aA
BTC: bc1q3nq0awvhc9jfmguaq7t2wxjrry6d4hhzk8d3xs