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Events for the lifecycle of a widget order.

PENDING_KYCOrder has been created, waiting for customer to complete KYC. if the customer passes KYC we'll update the order with their approved info. If the customer's KYC is rejected, order is marked as EXPIRED
PROCESSINGOrder has been created and is being processed within Yellow Card's system. During this process, the the order will attempt to collect from the customer. If so, order will be marked as PENDING, otherwise it will retry until it goes through or eventually mark itself as FAILED and refund.
PENDINGOrder is no longer an internal Yellow Card transaction, has been broadcasted on the channel, and is awaiting results to finalize.
PENDING_SETTLEMENT (sell)Order has been created and now pending customer crypto transfer.
PENDING_CONFIRMATION (sell)Crypto is pending blockchain confirmation, Once confirmation is complete, we'll move the sell order to PROCESSING
COMPLETEFiat collection / payment from / to customer has now succeeded.
FAILEDOrder has failed from the customer's end.
PENDING_REFUNDRefund request is received and is queued for processing.
REFUND_PROCESSINGRefund request is being processed, waiting for feedback from order provider.
REFUND_FAILEDWeโ€™ve tried to refund the order 5 times and it failed from provider's end, advisable
to resend a refund request after a few hours.
REFUNDEDRefund is complete, fund has been received by the customer.
CANCELLEDCollection order request has been cancelled and would be refunded if we
receive the collection
EXPIREDKYC request not approved, order marked EXPIRED.
SETTLEMENT_PENDING (buy)We're attempting to send out the crypto from our end, doing a few checks.
SETTLEMENT_PROCESSING (buy)Crypto transfer is processing, waiting for feedback from provider.
SETTLEMENT_COMPLETE (buy)Crypto transfer is now complete, widget Order is in it's end state.
SETTLEMENT_FAILED (buy)Crypto transfer failed, this will trigger a refund request, sending the fiat back to the customer.


Widget Orders

A buy order would create a collection record, while a sell order would create a payment request.

Events for user's KYC lifecycle

UNDER_REVIEWA widget user has submitted their KYC information, verification is pending from our identity provider
APPROVEDOur identity provider has approved a widget user's KYC.
REJECTEDOur identity provider has rejected a widget user's KYC.
BLOCKEDA widget user has submitted KYC information and been rejected 5 times, they have been blocked from transacting.