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2.17 Payment and Collection Errors

The table below describes the meaning of the value of the errorCode field for payment and collection objects.

EXPIREDIf the transaction expired due to customer not making payment to the provided bank details
INVALID_RECIPIENTIf the destination fails any checks e.g phone number prefix checks
VALIDATION_FAILEDIf the transaction failed any validation prior to processing
INVALID_NETWORKIf the transaction fails due to an invalid momo or bank network
INVALID_CURRENCYCurrency is invalid or not supported for that country
INSUFFICIENT_BALANCEIf the transaction failed due to liquidity or low balance
REFUSEDIf the customer failed to approve the deposit (momo, etc)
GATEWAY_TIMEOUT504 gateway timeout error from our payment provider during processing
PROVIDER_ERRORAny unexpected upstream error on our payment provider during processing
POSSIBLE_DUPLICATEFor scenarios where a provider fails a transaction due to it being flagged as a possible duplicate either due to the amount, recipient or burst of transactions in a short timeframe
OTHER_ERRORThis is the default. Generally for errors that haven't been classified yet or an error we don't want to expose