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4.1 Balance Top up and Pay out

Topping up your account balance and paying out any surplus balance.

How do I top up my account balance?

When you are ready to move to production, our team will provide you with access to your payments dashboard where you will be able to find the send wallet address linked to your account. This wallet address will be associated with the respective stablecoin communicated to make balance top-ups.


Balance Top Ups

You will be required to top up your account balance before initiating any payment requests.

How do I pay out my account balance?

If you have a surplus balance that you would like to pay out to your business wallet address, then you will be able to execute this in two ways.

  1. Settlement Endpoint.

Our submit settlement endpoint allows you to programmatically pay out your balance to a pre-screened and saved wallet address. Before implementing this, please ensure that you have sent the required wallet addresses to our team to conduct screening and whitelist ahead of you paying out the balance to this address.

  1. Payments Dashboard

Our payments dashboard will allow you to execute balance pay-outs.

What coins and networks do we support for balance pay-outs?

CoinNetworksAvailable Pay-out Method
USDTTRC20, CELO, SOL, POLAPI & Payments Dashboard
USDCERC20 (ETH), XLM, SOL, BASEAPI & Payments Dashboard
PUYSDERC20API & Payments Dashboard

What coins and networks do we support for balance Top Ups?

USDTCelo, SOL, Polygon, TRC20