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2.13 List Collection

Get a list of collection requests

You can get a historical list of collection requests using the list collections endpoint, this endpoint takes query parameters for filtering and pagination.

Data Filtering

startDatea date string in ISO format (2023-02-13T10:08:57.307Z)24 hours ago
endDatea date string in ISO format (2023-02-13T10:08:57.307Z)Current date
startAta number indicating the where the pagination should start from-
perPagea number indicating the number of items per page100
rangeBya string indicating the field to which the start and end date are applied - either 'createdAt' or 'updatedAt'createdAt
sortBya string indicating the field on which to sort by - either 'createdAt' or 'updatedAt'createdAt
orderBya string indicating how to order the results - either 'asc' or 'desc'desc


Working with Pagination

Note for clarification: if perPage is 10 for example, then to get items on page 2, startAt will have to be 11 as items 1 to 10 will be on page 1.
Both startDate and endDate have to be provided else the default is used.

Fields Description

idUnique collection identifier
sequenceIdRepresents a unique id for the transaction from your end
channelIdThe identifier of the specific channel to execute payment through
currencyFiat currency collected.
countryCountry where payment is collected from
statusCollection status
recipientCollection recipient info
recipient.nameRecipient's full name
recipient.countryRecipient's country
recipient.phoneRecipient's phone number
recipient.addressRecipient's address
recipient.dobRecipient's date of birth
recipient.emailRecipient's email address
recipient.idNumberRecipient's identity number
recipient.idTypeRecipient's identity type
recipient.additionalIdTypeRecipient's additional identity type
recipient.additionalIdNumberRecipient's additional identity number
sourceCollection source info - account making fiat payment for collection request
source.accountNumberPayer's bank account number or mobile money phone number
source.accountBankPayer's bank name
source.networkIdThe identifier of the specific network to execute payment through (not required for bank collections)
source.networkNamePayer's mobile money network name
source.accountTypeThe type of account ('bank' or 'momo')
source.accountNamePayer's bank account name
referenceCollection unique reference, expected to be added by custumer to their bank payment reference
amountAmount in USD to transact
convertedAmountThe amount in local currency to transact.
rateFX rate used for calculating converted amount
depositIdUnique id for YC internal deposit transaction for collection processing
withdrawalIdUnique id for YC internal withdrawal transaction for refund processing
bankInfoYC / P2P bank details for receiving collection. User's expected to make payment into this account
bankInfo.nameYC / P2P bank name
bankInfo.accountNumberYC / P2P bank account number
bankInfo.accountNameYC / P2P bank account name
bankInfo.branchCodeYC / P2P bank's branch code
refundRetryNumber of times refund was retried
refundSessionIdReceiving bank's sessionId for successful refunds, this is what refund recipient uses to make complaints at the bank if they're yet to receive the refund.
expiresAtA date string in ISO format indicating when collection is meant to expires
createdAtA date string in ISO format indicating when collection record was created
updatedAtA date string in ISO format indicating when collection record was last updated